Saturday, 6 October 2007

My Rough Working Structure For This Project

I believe research to be a large/important component of this project.

Therefore I have decided to:

  • Research many different avenues
    -other people’s visions of the future, emerging futuristic technologies; and furthermore, elements of these ideas which I am particularly interested in
  • Perform a detailed analysis of this research
  • Brainstorm and generate ideas
  • Perform a process of elimination upon these initial ideas and begin to focus the project on what I would like to present
  • Decide upon and research my chosen audience/user-group
  • Develop my final ideas(s) and perform further research if necessary
  • Create my final pitch /presentation
  • Fine-tune this presentation and generate extra resources for my presentation/pitch

I would like to create a concept website, involving HTML/CSS/Flash for my final presentation.

I may try to use 3D elements within that which may involve me having to use 3D Studio MAX.

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