Thursday 13 December 2007

Brain-Computer Interaction

We just had a visiting speaker by the name of Luciana Haill who showed us ways of measuring brainwaves using a special device which you attached to the forehead to pick up EEG waves. The software used with this device was able to produce visualisations and sounds from the data. Your brain is controlling the images and mix of sounds so the experience is very unlike those of conscious “forced” interaction loops where you need to perform an action in order to get a response or view a change.

Here’s a video of the software and hardware in action:

The fascination with this technology goes beyond just making beautiful sounds and patterns to perhaps being a step towards gaining a deeper understanding of the human brain. She has a myspace if anyone is interested -

In the previous module, I looked into brain-computer interfaces and I posted a few YouTube videos I had found on the subject. Scroll down and take a look at people playing pong using the power of their minds!


Zachary Colbert said...

Howdy hey! i like your thoughts on Luciana's work and i really liked how in depth your research and study was in the previous project. Regarding EEG my interest lies with the development of the tech and when exactly we will be able to read someones mind and distinguish almost exactly what they are thinking, or at least tell what type of emotions they are experiencing. Scarey ideas hmmm.

Claire said...

re: holiday crit-

How about the morning of Wednesday the 2nd of January? No one else can make the first date either.