Thursday 14 February 2008

D and AD Student Awards 2008

Our current course brief is one selected from the D and AD student award briefs. I’ve chosen to go with the Photography brief for D and AD which can be seen here:

I’ve managed to borrow a rather nice SLR camera and tripod from the college to do some experimentation with images and get used to using an SLR. I did a bit of photography on my Foundation Degree, so I’m hoping to get back into it quite quickly.

Due to the brief asking you to communicate the many facets of dementia, I’ve chosen to go with a few ideas I’ve had, and I’ve storyboarded them up. I’m not going to use and images of people in my photographs, only objects. I’m not sure how much digital manipulation will be allowed for the competition but I’ve decided to use quite a bit as it fits in with the ideas we have been looking at recently about what a digital photo actually is.

The Photoshop tutorials we have been through today with Angie Taylor will really help me with this brief and although I have to create boards with images mounted up for the competition, I would also like to create another micro-site for this project to display the images I will produce.

The brief asks you to create 4-12 images so I think I will produce more rather than less and cull them after I have captured them depending on how well they come out.

I’ve been looking through some of the forums on the Alzheimer’s Society website to try and get a feel for other people’s experiences with dementia and see if I can incorporate any of their experiences into my images. I’ve also been researching into surrealist objects as I would like to create a couple of surrealist images as part of the set of images; perhaps covering objects with packaging from an unrelated product.

I may also attempt to 3D model an object in 3D studio Max and use unrelated textures/patterns mapped onto the object, which will then be placed into a photograph.

If anyone has any ideas or experiences relating to dementia which could be communicated visually please let me know.


Richard Smythe said...

Hey Lucy, ive closed the questionaire now as I have enough responses. But thanks for trying :)

Claire said...

The first thing that comes to my mind when being acked to take photgraphs of people with dementia, is the effect on the families of the sufferers. Then, on the sufferer themsevles, then, the daily routine of all involved, collectively.

Perhaps you could consider creating a series of photographs from alternating perspectives of teh people involved with a dematia suffer. The victim, various family members, the doctor/carer even. You could consider what it is like for them to all face a certain event, the same event, related to the disease, but eahc photo could be from a different persons perspective of the situation.